How To Optimize Website Content In 2022

The content of a resource, like any other part of it, is in constant need of optimization. The target audience is different everywhere, search engine algorithms change, and information loses relevance over time. Site content is the main retention factor. It is for the sake of it people go to your pages and spend a lot of time there. And if you do not monitor its quality, you can not dream of a large attendance.

Content optimization consists of working out:

  • tech indicators – compliance with the requirements of search engine algorithms;
  • “human” indicators – usefulness for the reader.

Texts should be primarily for people and only then for robots. It’s true. It is people who are your target audience, they read the articles, make targeted actions, buy goods on the site. But as practice shows, the mere usefulness to people is not enough.

No matter how useful the text may be, no matter how informative it may be, without competent SEO optimization, the page will not get to the top of the search results and will not reach a large audience. And vice versa. SEO parameters alone are also not enough. For a site to get to the top positions, it needs to have good behavioral factors. And without useful content, they will not be. Therefore, content optimization boils down to finding a golden mean between the benefits for people and compliance with search engine algorithms. Don’t forget to test content to find the best engagement rate.

Content Optimization

Signs of a good text for people

Benefits and relevance

The first and most important requirement. If the user is looking for “How to achieve academic success,” the article should talk about it. You should detail the steps to achieve success. Where the student should start, what not to do, etc. 


The logic and structure of the narrative

Divide the article into several parts, which consistently disclose the topic, use lists, tables. All paragraphs should have a logical connection.


Absence of voluminous sentences and paragraphs

Avoid them, they are hard to perceive. The text should be easy to read. Large sentences are better broken up into several small ones. The maximum paragraph size – 120 words.


The optimal length

The shorter the text, the more it is readable. But you should not cut the volume where the main idea is not disclosed.  If the disclosure theme requires a larger volume, do not be afraid to increase it.


Competently chosen text and background color, font, typeface

All this affects the visual perception of content. The visitor should not have the desire to quickly finish reading and close the tab. His eyes should not feel discomfort. Agree, this text is much harder to read because of the dull color:


The first sentence should reveal the topic of the article

After reading it, it should be clear what it’s about next. It should be of interest and carry a certain load of meaning. Suggestions along the lines of “Welcome to this site” are meaningless and useless to the reader. Write directly to the point.


No errors

There should be no grammatical, spelling, speech, and other errors in the text. Otherwise, readers will have the opinion of you as an illiterate and unprofessional organization. If you could not solve the problems on the site, how will you solve the client’s problems?


The overall tone of the narrative

Set a certain tone of communication with your audience and stick to it all the time. It may be a light, friendly style of communication or a serious business style. Particular attention to this point should be paid to companies that order the writing of texts from different performers.


Signs of a good text for search robots


The first thing that search engines pay attention to. The more relevant content, the more matches with the user’s query, the higher the resource is ranked.


Good behavioral factors

They can be achieved by following the above points. Search engines have learned to determine the usefulness of the site to people, and now they are one of the main indicators. Google is interested in showing quality pages that are interesting to people above. Your job is to prove to them that your site is just that. Keep an eye on metrics like depth of view, readability, refusals, and so on. They will help to understand what needs improvement and how to improve the behavioral parameters of the site.


The optimal number of keywords

It is on them the search robot understands what the article is about. Keys should not be too much or too little. Their use should be natural and justified. The most common mistake – adding a key for the sake of the key. It is not needed at all, it spoils the readability, but it is still inserted because the search engine requires it. To avoid over-spamming, use synonyms and different word forms. This will not only protect you from the sanctions of the SE but also allow you to reach a large audience.


Use of title, H1, H2 – H5

Markup pages with tags sets the logic and structure for the search robots. The title page and headline H1 should contain keywords, but do not duplicate each other.


Using the meta tag Description

If title – the title of the page, then description – is its description. This tag should briefly inform you what the page is about. This information will not see the visitors (only in the snippet in the output) but will see the robots. Here, too, keys should be used, but without duplicating the title.


Adding links

The text should contain links to both internal pages of the resource and third-party sites. Links only to authoritative sites. Internal links help index pages faster. They can also improve behavioral factors if users will click on them.


Ways to optimize content

All of the above attributes are simultaneously requirements. Without complying with them, you won’t be able to rank high in search engine rankings, interest the public, and retain potential customers.

There are two ways to achieve them:

  1. Optimizing content when you create it. That is, you initially write competent, SEO-optimized text.
  2. Optimization of already published articles. When it is necessary to work with the existing material.

Of course, it is better to optimize the text immediately when you write it: follow the structure, concisely and naturally write the keywords and phrases, write tags, etc. But even in this case, you will not save yourself from further improvements. Information tends to become outdated. And if the article is normal for all SEO parameters, then it is extremely difficult to keep up-to-date without updates. This is especially true of trending topics. And the reaction of the audience is not always predictable. They published an article, and there are a lot of refusals on it. What to do? That’s right: analyze, find the problem place and fix it.


Additional recommendations from Google

  1. All pages should contain links to important sections of the site (home, contacts, rates, etc.). As a rule, they are placed in the header or basement.
  2. The name of the company should be mentioned in text form at least 1 time (not only in the format of an image, logo).
  3. Contacts (phone, e-mail) should be located in the header of the site in a prominent place.
  4. The sections of the resource with promotions should contain up-to-date information.
  5. If you sell products on the site, be sure to specify the price.
  6. There should be no third-party elements that are not related to the topic of the page (banner advertising).
  7. The pictures and videos that are used to dilute the text should be of high quality. But not too much, since the weight of the media file affects the page loading speed.
  8. The content of images and videos inserted into the article should be relevant to the content of the text around. That is, it is impossible to insert pictures that are not related to what is said in the article. Search engines can analyze the text around them.
  9. High uniqueness should be achieved naturally.


Where to get optimized texts

Most companies do not write their texts and order them from outside artists. This method is considered simpler and faster.

  1. First, the volume is unlimited. You can hire at least 10 copywriters at once and get 10 times more content than when writing independently.
  2. Second, the quality of the work is higher. Even though you, as a business owner, are more knowledgeable about the subject matter, getting a quality, well-read, and interesting text from the first time will be difficult. Services like write my essay provide a text-editing service. This way you can be sure that the final version will be flawless in both content and grammar.

Where to get SEO-optimized content:

  1. Copywriting exchanges – special platforms created to find authors. 
  2. Freelance exchanges – platforms where you can find any performer, including a copywriter.
  3. Addressing the SEO agency, which provides a service of filling the site. You just pay – everything is done for you (including publishing).
  4. On sites that provide writing services. As a rule, authors on such platforms are highly specialized and ready to write any type of paper. Not to make a mistake in choosing a service, read essay service reviews.


The result

Optimizing content on the site is an important aspect of SEO promotion. Without quality content, the site will not be able to get to high positions, reach a sufficient audience and retain the potential client. Content is what people visit your site for. Remember that, keep track of the relevance of published materials, analyze and make intelligent decisions.

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