5 Best Youtube Alternative Worth Trying

So, what’s the big deal about knowing the best Youtube alternatives or sites like Youtube? First of all, you have to admit that Youtube has created a modern trend where people can create contents with the hope of increased viewing numbers so they can monetize it. The modern entertainment today would be completely different without Youtube because it isn’t only about improved entertainment and enjoyment, but it has become a way to earn money.

However, some people complain that their Youtube is often down or some have felt that they are no longer enjoying accessing the Youtube. This condition has created a trend where Youtube alternative sites are appearing. These alternative sites are claimed to deliver just the same enjoyment and fun of the Youtube without too much fuss or hassle. So, what are they? And are they really worth it?


5 Best Youtube Alternatives (Sites Like Youtube) For Watching Videos


1. Vimeo

Vimeo Best Youtube Alternative

Vimeo Best Youtube Alternative


Although it is one of the best Youtube alternatives for its streaming service, it isn’t directly competing against Youtube. However, most users would think of Vimeo immediately for the alternative video streaming ability than Youtube. The main purpose of the platform is to invite and encourage (classy) filmmakers to display their work. A lot of people say that this site has less distracting elements (generally in the background) so viewers can focus solely on the clips and contents instead of those elements.

But be ready with the downsides – such as the limitation of weekly uploading quota to only 500MB. Sure, you can upgrade it to 5GB. But everyone in the video content sharing knows that 5GB is nothing to the gigantic amounts of uploads that Youtube has to deal with on a daily basis. So, limitation is really the flaw to this site.

Basically, you will like the fact that Vimeo is friendly and welcoming towards creative and amateur content creators. Not to mention that the layout is visually pleasing with less distracting elements. On the down sides, the size of the file is really discouraging. It is very small compared to the size you can enjoy from Youtube. But then again, it is an alternative to Youtube if you are bored with the latter site so it is worth considering and trying.


2. Dailymotion

dailymotion Best Youtube Alternatives

dailymotion Best Youtube Alternatives


If you looking for Youtube alternative or site like Youtube, maybe dailymotion is one of best. This site has experienced an increased popularity some people say that it the second most popular content viewing content after Youtube. If you want to view contents and then browse various categories, genres, and options, Dailymotion can be the best option. No need to worry about the display or the user interface – everything is similar to its number one rival.

Despite all the easiness and the simplicity, there are several flaws to consider about. Only pro users can gain access to HD quality contents. Not to mention that the site also implements 4GB limit. It means that you can’t upload videos that are more than 60 minutes. If you have longer videos (for educational purpose, mostly) then this site may not suit your needs. Users with longer contents may finally go back to Youtube because of this limitation. But in the overall end, this site is great for your daily streaming alternative – especially if you are bored with Youtube.

The regulations aren’t as strict as the ones posed on Youtube. But let’s not forget the limitation and the quality of the videos. the site is more popular in Europe than in America although it has the same features and user interface. Even if this is your first time using the site, you will get the hang of it in no time!


3. Twitch TV

Twitch TV best youtube alternative gaming

Twitch TV best youtube alternative gaming


This is another favorable and the best Youtube alternative that will deliver convenient content viewing. If you just want to watch your favorite contents or gaming videos (and you don’t want to do anything else), then Twitch suits up your needs just well. A lot of users like their live broadcasting contents – although the site’s popularity isn’t as shiny as Youtube.

If you are looking for a way to monetize your contents from Twitch, you may want to reconsider your option. After all, the platform is known for their rather complicated and difficult payout system. Like I’ve mentioned before, Twitch is the ideal platform to view gaming videos or simply for entertainment. If you want to earn money from it, you’d better stick with Youtube.

It is great for watching videos, especially live gaming contents, and the collections of game-based videos are so many. However, it isn’t an ideal platform to monetize your contents. Not to mention that you can’t rewind the videos and the streaming performance is quite sluggish. But for Youtube alternative for watching contents, it is pretty impressive. Read Also: 9 General Ways to Watch Disney Movies Online Free Sites


4. PeerTube

PeerTube logo

PeerTube logo


In the event that you don’t know the platform, it uses decentralized system that is increasing in popularity nowadays. PeerTube is implementing peer-to-peer system for their sharing platform and video streaming function. With easy and simple user interface (and also neat display system), you can host the videos and share your videos. There is no ad – which makes this platform even more likable. If you want to check the most trending and the currently added contents, you can manage everything without fuss.

Another thing to like about the site is the freedom. You won’t have to worry about censorship or ban. Basically, you are free to upload anything on PeerTube without any complication or worry. PeerTube is relatively new so don’t expect the library to be limitless and as much as Youtube. But considering that it is very convenient to use and it is likable by most users, let’s hope that PeerTube will have more library of collections and they can improve their features.

After all, it is quite rare to find a platform without any censorship or whatsoever. The peer-to-peer system is also convenient and the absence of ads makes everything convenient. Streaming and viewing contents would be very nice and fun – and you can enjoy everything without having to pay a dime! Yes, the platform still has a lot to work and they have a lot of improvements to do, but they can be a potential and promising platform – earning their title as the best Youtube alternative worth trying.


5. Dtube

Dtube logo Youtube Alternativs

Dtube logo Youtube Alternativs


If you are into blockchain system, then you will love the fact that Dtube is one of the platforms running on cryptocurrency and blockchain system. With a decentralized platform, it can be a great alternative for those who want some privacy.

The user interface is very simple and straightforward. You can find the popular and trending contents – and you can also watch the videos straight on the homepage. If you want to save the videos (so you can watch them later), you can do it easily without a fuss. Another thing to like about the site is the free-of-ads feature. Yes, you can enjoy the contents without having to worry about ads intrusive appearance.

If you upload your contents, you will get the reward in the form of Steem (a type of cryptocurrency) for 7 days. If you want to spend those cryptocurrencies, be my guest. If you leave comments, you also have the opportunity to win the cryptocurrency. Quite neat, huh? However, the contents aren’t many because of their new existence. But if they keep up the good work, it is possible that their popularity will increase and they can be the worthy best Youtube alternative with decentralized system and blockchain construction.