Are you a college student? If yes, you may need to know about the Discover it Student Cash Back review. As a student, you need to choose the best credit card that gives you maximum benefits. Read the information below to know whether Discover it Student Cash Back is good for you or not.
What is Discover it Student Cash Back?
Many people are familiar with Discover credit cards. As we know that Discover is one of the popular credit card brands. There are some credit cards released by Discover, such as Discover it, Miles, Discover it Cash Back, Discover it Secured, and Discover it Student Cash Back. Talking about Discover it Student Cash Back, it is a type of credit card that is much recommended for college students.
As a college student, you may want to have a credit card. But because you don’t have enough credit score, it may feel so difficult to apply for a credit card. Another criteria to apply for a credit card is getting a job. After you have got a job, then you can apply for a credit card. But, don’t worry about it anymore. Discover it Student Cash Back comes as recommended credit card for a college student, although you are a college student with no credit score.
Discover it Student Cash Back is a reward credit card that offers various benefits and increases the opportunity for students to develop positive spending habits and build credit while earning rewards. It means if you have this credit card, you can use the card responsibly while getting some rewards from this credit card. Even, this card offers an incentive for students. So, the student can maintain good grades.
Every quarter, you will get your rewards at various places, such as grocery stores, gas stations,, and restaurants after you have activated it for up to 3 months period. There are still many rewards you will get if you choose to Discover it Student Cash Back. Not only offers 5% cashback, you will also get 1% cashback for all other purchases. And good news for you, this cashback is unlimited.
Best Features of Discover it Student Cash Back
Whenever you want to apply for a discover student card, you may always want to know the best features of your target credit card. Talking about Discover it Student Cash Back, this credit card has so many best features. For example, Freeze it. Yes, this card comes with Freeze features that help you easily freeze or unfreeze your credit card. This feature is so useful whenever your credit card lost or stolen by a burglar. Finally, there will be no one who can use your credit card.
Discover it Student Cash Back also offers statement credit for good grades. If you are a student with good grades, you have a chance to get a bonus from Discover. Make sure you earn GPA of 3.0 or higher to get the bonus. The bonus offered for you is $20 for up to 5 years. If you consistently get a high GPA every year, then you will always get the bonus for 5 years.
As mentioned before, there are so many types of rewards offered by this credit card. Students like this credit card because they can get bonus cash back rewards. With this credit card, you will earn 5% cashback at various places like restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, and after you have activated the card for 3 months. And the bonus for you, you can also get 1% cash back on every purchase automatically.
The annual fee is also another thing that makes many people want to choose to Discover it Students Cash Back. This card comes as a credit card without the annual fee. So, you don’t need to worry about the annual fee if you choose this credit card. The annual fee is $0. With 0$ annual fee, you can save your money.
Discover it Student Cash Back Benefits
After knowing about the best features of Discover it Student Cash Back, you may be able to mention some benefits of this credit card. The best benefit of this card is Freeze its function. This feature really gives you benefits because it allows you to freeze your credit card whenever your credit card lost or stolen. When it happens, you can easily stop new purchases, cash advances, and also balance transfers.
Another benefit of this credit card is Zero liability. It is very useful for unauthorized purchases. Discover it Student Cash Back also offers free monthly FICO credit score access. So, you will know about your credit score. The credit score is so important for a credit card user. Whenever you have a good credit score, you have a chance to apply for another type of credit card. So, don’t doubt to apply for Discover it Student Cash Back to get the benefits of using this credit card.
If you want to maximize the rewards, there is a simple tip you can try. Try to spend and earn cashback in the first year. It helps you greatly maximize your cashback rewards. After 1 year, Discover will total all cash back earned, and then match it automatically. Discover also offers incentives for students.
Comparisons to Others Credit Cards
To know whether Discover it Student Cash Back is good for you or not, you may need to consider this card to other credit cards. There are some credit cards that offer 0$ annual feel, same with Discover it Student Cash Back. But, not every credit card comes with a reward program. For example, Discover it Student Cash Back offers 5% cashback, 1% unlimited cash back, the reward program for students with high GPA, and other rewards. But other competitors like BankAmericard Credit Card for students don’t offer a rewards program.
Discover it Student Cash Back also offers a sign-up bonus, but not every bank also offers this bonus. There are still many differences between Discover it Student Cash Beck with other student credit cards. But the main point is, Discover it Student Cash Back gives maximum benefits to its users. Well, those are the information for you about the Discover it Student Cash Back review, and hopefully, the information about it above is useful for you.