DirectX – Application Programming Interfaces that allow applications, such as games, to “talk” to hardware. Another definition of DirectX is a collection of APIs to handle various tasks in multimedia programming, especially computer games in the Microsoft Windows operating system. DirectX is a combination of DirectDraw, Direct3D, DirectMusic, DirectPlay, and DirectSound. The DirectX SDK is available free of charge from Microsoft.
DirectX is Application Programming Interfaces which is the most popular for video cards. For example, there is a game that requires DirectX 9.0, so we must install DirectX 9 or a later version or a version above. Likewise with the hardware. If you use a video card that only supports, for example, DirectX 8, then when the game uses commands in DirectX 9, the video card will not understand the command. What is done is the process and the emulation process in executing the command. If the emulation quality is not perfect, then the resulting image quality will not be as good as the original, as if it was run in DirectX.
How to Uninstall DirectX Windows 10
First Method
1. Open Registry editor, click start > programs> accessories> run> then type “regedit” (without the quotes)
2. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ DirectX. Delete the DirectX Folder, then exit the registry editor.
3. Restart the PC
4. Check again as before, if there is no means success.
5. Install the Directx that you want to install.

Second method
1. Make sure you are using DirectX version 11. If you don’t know which version you are currently using, please find out by pressing WINDOWS + R type dxdiag
2. Install the “Perfect Ininstaller” application
3. If you have opened the Perfect Uninstaller
4. Click on Special Uninstaller
5. Look for DirectX 9 Click Uninstall (Even though your DirectX is 11 but leave the uninstall DirectX 9)
6. If you are asked to backup registry data, it’s up to you to back it up or not.
7. After Completing Uninstall, it is recommended to restart the PC first
8. After restarting, check please first with the hotkey “ WINDOWS + R ” type dxdiag / open a game then the writing will appear “missing blah blah blah”
9. If an error message appears, it means that DirectX has been uninstalled
10.Install DirectX 9
11. Click Next to process
12. Done
The Uninstall DirectX 11 is pretty simple and easy. But it’s essential to fully remove or uninstall the prior version of DirectX for simple installation. You can follow the steps above to clean install Direct X on your own Windows 10 PC