How to protect your data online?

IT technology is one of the most incredible things that has happened in human history. Today’s ability to access everything connected to the Internet is a luxury we can’t afford to lose. We can write proofread my paper and get it. Imagine how much easier life is with the internet. However, the more people use online systems, the more cyber threats.

The leak of information already affects geopolitical processes and becomes a strong weapon in the hands of competitors, including political ones. However, in the virtual online world, the average person can be harmed in a very real way, as in real life.


Nothing is free

Looking around, one of the most vulnerable places in the virtual world is a mobile phone with access to social networks, messengers, and dozens of mobile applications, often of unknown origin, where people easily share private information that is not critical at first glance.

But you need to understand that if you do not pay for a product and it is free for you, then in this case you are the product.

Profiles that are collected for all users on social networks or other online resources are fairly well monetized by the owners of such applications.


“The most valuable” – in the applications

Personal data is currently the most valuable thing in the virtual world.

Before downloading any application, it is advisable to find out who the developers are, how they store your data and how they use it.

A good goal is to improve our lives and reduce bureaucracy and corruption. However, it should be understood that the issue of cybersecurity is key to public trust and the use of online services.

If your data is requested by public authorities, you should also ask what the storage standards are and where they will be kept.

When the state launches global solutions, it is desirable to publicly declare the developer, as well as the person responsible for cybersecurity (usually a separate company).

In Western countries, developers are happy to talk about cybersecurity. In this way, they focus on caring for their users. Reliable data protection is undoubtedly a competitive advantage, because the consumer is already paying attention to it.


A few rules of cyber hygiene

In order not to fall victim, you sometimes need to perform simple exercises and maintain so-called cyber hygiene.

Imagine and think about what information potential attackers could use against you, and try to make such a scenario as impossible as possible.

Cyberhygiene is, first of all, a self-assessment of one’s risks. Just like washing your hands before eating, it is important to follow these rules with your gadgets:

– do not connect to public WiFi. Make better use of mobile internet. If you really need to connect, do it using a VPN (not free);

– do not follow links that you do not know why they are sending, even if they are your acquaintances from familiar accounts. Often, an attacker only needs one click on a link to access your profile;

– do not add strangers to your friends on Facebook, because they can send information to your colleagues already in the status of your friend;

– change passwords every 2-3 months, use different complex passwords that are difficult to calculate, and two-factor authentication not through SMS, but through the application;

– always install automatic software updates. If an update has already been released, it is possible that there are vulnerabilities in the older version;

– make regular backups of important information, segment data;

– make sure the site you are using is https and not http;

– at least once every few years, go to cybersecurity training. Invite your teenagers and co-workers there.

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